The kindergarten is our two year pre-school programme.
It provides children with a nurturing and creative environment, organised around daily and seasonal rhythms. Kindergarten children are given freedom and confidence, which gently prepares them for the more structured environment of the Bridge Programme.
Daily Activities
We keep daily activities as simple as possible, as this is often the child’s first experience of life outside of the home. The classroom environment is carefully considered with a strong emphasis on natural and handmade materials for toys and furnishings.
Children are engaged in craft and regular movement, both inside the classroom and out in the garden, which brings to the day a balance of different kinds of physical and mental activity. A typical morning involves greeting, free play, tidying, circle time, storytelling, puppet shows, outdoor play, rest, snack and lunchtime, and a creative activity such as craft, baking or painting; along with practical everyday skills such as dressing, washing and food preparation.